When home is no longer between these walls.

Jean plugged in the jug. She didn’t actually feel like a cup of tea, but she did need a distraction, she needed to clear her mind before she started this next chapter in the life of the Clarke family.

 She walked slowly over to the quilt. It spread lazily over the back of her plush and comfortable lounge suite offering silent inspiration and motivation. Her fingers ran along the square that told the story of Twin Pines in pictures. Like many of the more complicated parts of the quilt she had located small individual illustrations and carefully stitched them into place to tell the story. Was this an easier task than committing pen to paper? Ultimately what would prove less painful?

She knew there would be chapters other members of her family would have to write. Stories that were too raw and too personal for her to take the liberty of translating. Memories they may not want to share in detail with you the reader and they alone should be given that option.

A small taste of this moving family saga and thought-provoking romance.

The Quilt, Unravelled will be on sale for a limited time soon.  Check back for details!   Below Waiheke Island, one of the settings for The Quilt, Unravelled.
